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Джэнс Дж. Э (28)

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28 книг
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Нелепая привычка жить

Джэнс Дж. Э

Нелепая привычка жить

Джэнс Дж. Э
Нелепая привычка жить

Одно из самых интригующих и таинственных произведений нашего времени, соединившее в себе мистику, детектив и психологический роман.

Главный герой книги, бизнесмен Виктор, переживающий «кризис сорока лет», встретил однажды загадочную женщину, которая представилась как… Смерть. И сообщила, что Виктор скоро должен стать её клиентом – то есть, умереть. Причём не просто умереть, а быть убитым. А его будущий убийца – это кто-то из самого близкого окружения, кто-то, к кому Виктор бесконечно привязан, кого считает родным и дорогим человеком. До гибели герою остаётся всего несколько дней, во время которых он напряжённо пытается вычислить своего убийцу и ведёт глубокие и невероятно интересные философские диалоги со Смертью.

Роман читается на одном дыхании, и пока не дойдёшь до финала, просто невозможно отложить книгу и заняться чем-то другим. Стремясь побыстрее узнать, чем же закончится эта столь же и увлекательная драматическая, сколь и динамичная история, читатель делает всевозможные догадки и строит разные предположения… Чтобы, дойдя до развязки, с изумлением воскликнуть: «Ну и ну! Кто бы мог подумать! Чего-чего, но такого я не ожидал!»

Naked Came The Phoenix

Кинг Лори Р.

Naked Came The Phoenix

Кинг Лори Р.
Naked Came The Phoenix

From Publishers Weekly

An all-star lineup of 13 women mystery authors has produced one madcap, murderous tale in the same serial fashion as Naked Came the Manatee (1996). To some extent, position determines each contributor's role, but each author has ample opportunity to display her unique talents. Nevada Barr, who leads off, deserves credit for introducing heroine Caroline Blessing; her surprising mother, Hilda Finch; and several more of the zany inhabitants of Phoenix Spa, snuggled in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. J.D. Robb, in the number two spot, wastes no time shifting the plot into gear with the murder of the spa's flamboyant owner, Claudia de Vries. Those who follow (Nancy Pickard, Lisa Scottoline, Perri O'Shaughnessy, J.A. Jance, Faye Kellerman, Mary Jane Clark, Marcia Talley, Anne Perry, Diana Gabaldon and Val McDermid) each get a crack at muddying the waters or putting a new spin on an already dizzy character or in some cases, adding a new victim to the growing pile. Lucky 13 Laurie King dazzles by weaving a prettily finished quilt from the motley patches created by her comrades. Readers will relish the resulting comic soap-opera murder mystery, taking especial pleasure in watching these pros deftly recast a scene, a clue or a character to keep the story rollicking along. (Aug. 13)Forecast: Together these women command a huge fan base, and if enough of them are willing to promote, this collaborative effort could rack up strong sales.

Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

The promise of discretion and pampering-and a long-overdue reconciliation with her mother-draws Caroline Blessing, the young wife of a newly-elected Congressman, to the fancy Phoenix Spa. But after her first night in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, Caroline wakes to find the rich and famous guests in turmoil and under suspicion: the spa's flamboyant and ambitious owner has been murdered. As the secrets come out-and the body count rises, can Caroline keep herself from becoming the next victim?

Няма покой за мъртвите

Линдс Гейл

Няма покой за мъртвите

Линдс Гейл
Няма покой за мъртвите

„Има един случай, който не ми дава покой нощем — единственият, който ми се опря. Случай, който винаги присъства в съзнанието ми и ме изяжда отвътре. Няма значение, че от тогава са минали десет години. Екзекутирана бе невинна жена. Трупът на Кристофър Томас бе открит полуразложен в средновековен уред за мъчения. Съдът набързо реши, че в пристъп на ярост съпругата му го е убила…“

Инспектор Джон Нън е убеден, че е допусната съдбоносна грешка. Разрешаването на този случай е последният му шанс да изкупи и собствените си грешки, но зловещите сили зад смъртта на Кристофър няма да се спрат пред нищо, за да накарат миналото да замълчи завинаги.

Двайсет и шест майстори на трилъра пишат по една или две глави в този уникален литературен експеримент. В резултат на общите им усилия се наслаждаваме на един експлозивен екшън, който може да бъде създаден само от най-добрите автори в жанра.

Queen of the Night

Джэнс Дж. Э

Queen of the Night

Джэнс Дж. Э
Queen of the Night

The New York Times bestselling author brings back the Walker family in a multilayered thriller in which murders past and present connect the lives of three families

Every summer, in an event that is commemorated throughout the Tohono O'odham Nation, the Queen of the Night flower blooms in the Arizona desert. But one couple's intended celebration is shattered by gunfire, the sole witness to the bloodshed a little girl who has lost the only family she's ever known.

To her rescue come Dr. Lani Walker, who sees the trauma of her own childhood reflected in her young patient, and Dan Pardee, an Iraq war veteran and member of an unorthodox border patrol unit called the Shadow Wolves. Joined by Pima County homicide investigator Brian Fellows, they must keep the child safe while tracking down a ruthless killer.

In a second case, retired homicide detective Brandon Walker is investigating the long unsolved murder of an Arizona State University coed. Now, after nearly half a century of silence, the one person who can shed light on that terrible incident is willing to talk. Meanwhile, Walker 's wife, Diana Ladd, is reliving memories of a man whose death continues to haunt her.

As these crimes threaten to tear apart three separate families, the stories and traditions of the Tohono O'odham people remain just beneath the surface of the desert, providing illumination to events of both self-sacrifice and unspeakable evil.