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Царствие Хаоса

Макинтош Уилл

Царствие Хаоса

Макинтош Уилл
Царствие Хаоса

Созданный под редакцией Джона Джозефа Адамса и Хью Хауи — опытнейших составителей фантастических антологий, Триптих Апокалипсиса представляет собой серию из трех сборников апокалиптической фантастики.

«Хаос на пороге» фокусируется на событиях, предшествующих массовой катастрофе, когда лишь единицы предчувствовали грядущий коллапс. «Царствие хаоса» обрушивает на человечество мощные удары, практически не оставляющие выбора ни странам, ни отдельным людям. «Хаос: отступление?» изображает участь человечества после Апокалипсиса.

В этом сборнике вашему вниманию представлены 20 новых, ранее не публиковавшихся историй, вышедших из-под пера Тананарив Дью, Нэнси Кресс, Кена Лю, Дэвида Веллингтона, Джейми Форда и многих других мастеров современной фантастической прозы.

Ashes of Honor

Макгвайр Шеннон

Ashes of Honor

Макгвайр Шеннон
Ashes of Honor

It's been almost a year since October 'Toby' Daye averted a war, gave up a county, and suffered personal losses that have left her wishing for a good day's sleep. She's tried to focus on her responsibilities — training Quentin, upholding her position as Sylvester's knight, and paying the bills — but she can't help feeling like her world is crumbling around her, and her increasingly reckless behavior is beginning to worry even her staunchest supporters.

 To make matters worse, Toby's just been asked to find another missing child... only this time it's the changeling daughter of her fellow knight, Etienne, who didn't even know he was a father until the girl went missing. Her name is Chelsea. She's a teleporter, like her father. She's also the kind of changeling the old stories warn about, the ones with all the strength and none of the control. She's opening doors that were never meant to be opened, releasing dangers that were sealed away centuries before — and there's a good chance she could destroy Faerie if she isn't stopped.

 Now Toby must find Chelsea before time runs out, racing against an unknown deadline and through unknown worlds as she and her allies try to avert disaster. But danger is also stirring in the Court of Cats, and Tybalt may need Toby's help with the biggest challenge he's ever faced.

 Toby thought the last year was bad. She has no idea.

Midnight Blue-Light Special

Макгвайр Шеннон

Midnight Blue-Light Special

Макгвайр Шеннон
Midnight Blue-Light Special

Cryptid, noun:

1. Any creature whose existence has been suggested but not proven scientifically. Term officially coined by cryptozoologist John E. Wall in 1983.

2. That thing that's getting ready to eat your head.

3. See also: "monster."

The Price family has spent generations studying the monsters of the world, working to protect them from humanity—and humanity from them. Enter Verity Price. Despite being trained from birth as a cryptozoologist, she'd rather dance a tango than tangle with a demon, and when her work with the cryptid community took her to Manhattan, she thought she would finally be free to pursue competition-level dance in earnest. It didn't quite work out that way...

But now, with the snake cult that was killing virgins all over Manhattan finally taken care of, Verity is ready to settle down for some serious ballroom dancing—until her on-again, off-again, semi-boyfriend Dominic De Luca, a member of the monster-hunting Covenant of St. George, informs her that the Covenant is on their way to assess the city's readiness for a cryptid purge. With everything and everyone she loves on the line, there's no way Verity can take that lying down.

Alliances will be tested, allies will be questioned, lives will be lost, and the talking mice in Verity's apartment will immortalize everything as holy writ—assuming there's anyone left standing when all is said and done. It's a midnight blue-light special, and the sale of the day is on betrayal, deceit...and carnage.