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Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalipse

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Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalipse

Батлер Октавия
Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalipse

Famine, Death, War, and Pestilence: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the harbingers of Armageddon — these are our guides through the Wastelands…

From the to ; from to , storytellers have long imagined the end of the world, weaving eschatological tales of catastrophe, chaos, and calamity. In doing so, these visionary authors have addressed one of the most challenging and enduring themes of imaginative fiction: the nature of life in the aftermath of total societal collapse.

Gathering together the best post-apocalyptic literature of the last two decades from many of today’s most renowned authors of speculative fiction — including George R.R. Martin, Gene Wolfe, Orson Scott Card, Carol Emshwiller, Jonathan Lethem, Octavia E. Butler, and Stephen King — explores the scientific, psychological, and philosophical questions of what it means to remain human in the wake of Armageddon. Whether the end of the world comes through nuclear war, ecological disaster, or cosmological cataclysm, these are tales of survivors, in some cases struggling to rebuild the society that was, in others, merely surviving, scrounging for food in depopulated ruins and defending themselves against monsters, mutants, and marauders.

Complete with introductions and an indispensable appendix of recommendations for further reading, delves into this bleak landscape, uncovering the raw human emotion and heart-pounding thrills at the genre’s core.

John Joseph Adams is the assistant editor of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction and a freelance writer. His website is .

Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse

Юная Венера (сборник)

Ли Стивен

Юная Венера (сборник)

Ли Стивен
Юная Венера (сборник)

Скользкие головы земноводных обитателей бороздят прибрежные воды одного из немногочисленных архипелагов, разбросанных по акватории океана, покрывающего всю планету. Над волнами молниеносно вздымается зубастая голова на длинной гибкой шее, принадлежащая морскому чудищу, похожему на плезиозавра. Где-то под бесконечно долгими дождями вздрагивает поверхность бескрайних болот, когда гигантские динозавры с рычанием копошатся в грязи. А в дальнем краю высокие, тонкие, как тростинки, люди в невообразимых головных уборах и расшитых жемчугами одеяниях ходят по канатным мостам, протянутым между громадными деревьями, гораздо более высокими, чем земные секвойи, и льющийся с небес тусклый свет открывает взгляду целый город, раскинувшийся в кронах. И вся эта идиллия в один прекрасный день разом померкла, словно кто-то резко задул свечу. Облачные миражи Венеры растаяли…

Джордж Мартин, Джо Холдеман, Дэвид Брин, Майк Резник, Йен Макдональд, Гарднер Дозуа и другие в сборнике фантастических произведений о планете Венера, которую мы когда-то потеряли…

Arctic Rising

Бакелл Тобиас

Arctic Rising

Бакелл Тобиас
Arctic Rising

Global warming has transformed the Earth, and it’s about to get even hotter. The Arctic Ice Cap has all but melted, and the international community is racing desperately to claim the massive amounts of oil beneath the newly accessible ocean.

Enter the Gaia Corporation. Its two founders have come up with a plan to roll back global warming. Thousands of tiny mirrors floating in the air can create a giant sunshade, capable of redirecting heat and cooling the earth’s surface. They plan to terraform Earth to save it from itself—but in doing so, they have created a superweapon the likes of which the world has never seen.

Anika Duncan is an airship pilot for the underfunded United Nations Polar Guard. She’s intent on capturing a smuggled nuclear weapon that has made it into the Polar Circle and bringing the smugglers to justice.

Anika finds herself caught up in a plot by a cabal of military agencies and corporations who want Gaia Corporation stopped. But when Gaia Corp loses control of their superweapon, it will be Anika who has to decide the future of the world. The nuclear weapon she has risked her life to find is the only thing that can stop the floating sunshade after it falls into the wrong hands.


“Tobias Buckell is stretching the horizons of science fiction and giving readers a hell of a lot of swashbuckling fun in the bargain.”

—John Scalzi, bestselling author of

“Buckell delivers double helpings of action and violence in a plot-driven story worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster.”

— on

“Buckell’s world-building, full of strong Aztec and Caribbean elements, is spectacular; the story, finely tuned and engrossing.”

— on

“Zombies. Interplanetary battles. Alien races. A hero that can destroy a city in a single bounce. What’s not to love? Light enough for a beach read, smart enough for bedside, this novel can be enjoyed on multiple levels.”

“Buckell represents an important force behind the genre’s change. Buckell’s work deals with complex racial issues in a way worthy of the self-proclaimed ‘literature of ideas’: head-on, with no visible flinching, while still managing to give its readers a rollicking good time.”