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Бродский Вячеслав Зиновьевич (16)

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Funny Children's Stories. Bilingual Edition

Бродский Вячеслав Зиновьевич

Funny Children's Stories. Bilingual Edition

Бродский Вячеслав Зиновьевич
Funny Children's Stories. Bilingual Edition


Расскзы мгут быть интерсны как дтям, так и взрслым. Дти найдт в кнге мнго по-настощему смешнх эпиздов и смгут посмотрть на столцу Росси середны двадцтого вка глазми двенадцатилтнего мльчика. Взрслые бдут имть возмжность посмотрть на те же собтия своми глазми и тже посметься, а мжет быть, и погрустть.

This is a bilingual edition of a recently published Russian book and its English translation, together with publisher’s comments for the American public. The book is a collection of short children's stories about the events that took place in Moscow (Russia) in the mid-fifties of the last century, a decade after the end of World War II.

These stories may be of interest to both children and adults. Children will find many truly funny episodes in the book and will be able to look at the capital of Russia in the middle of the twentieth century through the eyes of a twelve-year-old boy. Adults will be able to look at the same events through their own eyes. They also will laugh or perhaps be a bit sad.