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Patrick Norris has seen the worst that Afghanistan has to offer — punishing heat, bitter cold, and buddies blown away by bombs and snipers. He returns home exhilarated by his new freedom and eager to realize his dream of a sport fishing business. But the avocado ranch his family has owned for generations in the foothills of San Diego has been destroyed by a massive wildfire and the parents he loves are facing ruin. Patrick’s dream will have to wait.

His brother, Ted, worships Patrick and yearns for his approval. Gentle by nature but tormented by strange fixations and dark undercurrents, Ted is drawn into a circle of violent, criminal misfits. His urgent quest to prove himself threatens to put those he loves in peril.

Patrick falls in love with Iris, a beautiful and unusual woman, who seems strong enough to help see Patrick through his re-entry from the war. But Ted’s plan for redemption goes terribly wrong. Desperate to find his brother and salvage what remains of his family, Patrick must make an agonizing choice.

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