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Wall Street Noir


Brand-new stories by: John Burdett, Henry Blodget, Peter Blauner, Jason Starr, Megan Abbott, Reed Farrel Coleman, Stephen Rhodes, Twist Phelan, Tim Broderick, Jim Fusilli, David Noonan, Richard Aleas, Lawrence Light, James Hime, Mark Haskell Smith, Peter Spiegelman, and Lauren Sanders.

From a distance — on television, say, or in the pages of the business section — it looks like such a clean, well-lighted place, a place where decisions to buy or sell are guided by formulas and subtle strategy, and thorough, dispassionate consideration of all available facts. A place where cool reason prevails. And sure, that’s one version of Wall Street — call it the CNBC edition. But this book is about another place, just beneath that shiny surface — a place where fear and greed have always held sway. Think WorldCom or Tyco; think Enron. Think Gordon Gekko.

Wall Street Noirmaquila

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