Крупнейшая бесплатная электронная библиотека 362 746 книг в 367 жанрах 111 785 автора
Changer of Worlds


Lady Dame Honor Harrington—starship captain, admiral, Steadholder, and Duchess—has spent decades defending the Star Kingdom of Manticore against all comers. Along the way, she has become the legend known as "the Salamander" from her habit of always being where the fire is hottest . . . and also a national bestseller (: #7, ).

But it’s a big universe, and Honor’s actions affect a lot of lives, not all of them human. And actions affect —a lesson learns years before rising to command rank when a desperate battle against "pirates" who aren’t quite what they seem begins her brilliant career.

Closer to home, in a secret that the alien treecats have kept from their human friends for hundreds of years is about to come out . . . and completely change the relationship between the two species forever.

Meanwhile, weighs in with Honor can’t be everywhere, so when the People’s Republic of Haven tries to stage a political assassination on Earth, Anton Zilwicki—husband of one of the Star Kingdom’s most revered military martyrs, and father of a young woman who is clearly a chip off the old block—steps into the breach . . . and takes the opportunity to settle some old scores along the way.

And finally, Esther McQueen and Oscar Saint-Just square off for their final confrontation in Noveau Paris in

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Ashes Of Victory
Weber David
Ashes Of Victory


The People’s Republic of Haven made a tiny mistake when it announced the execution of Honor Harrington. It seemed safe enough. After all, they knew she was already dead.

Unfortunately, they were wrong. Now Honor has escaped from the prison planet called Hell and returned to the Manticoran Alliance with a few friends. Almost half a million of them, to be precise . . . including some who know what really happened when the Committee of Public Safety seized power in the PRH.

Honor’s return from the dead comes at a critical time, providing a huge, much-needed lift for the Allies’ morale, for the war is rapidly entering a decisive phase. Both sides believe that victory lies within their grasp at last, but dangers no one could foresee await them both.

New weapons, new strategies, new tactics, spies, diplomacy, and assassination. . . . All are coming into deadly focus, and Honor Harrington, the woman the newsies call “the Salamander,” once more finds herself at the heart of them all.

But this time, the furnace may be too furious for even a salamander to survive.


Undeniably the science fiction phenomenon of the decade, David Weber is often compared to C.S. Forester (the celebrated creator of Captain Horatio Hornblower) and is the recipient of critical praise worthy of Heinlein or Asimov. His hordes of voracious fans clamor for more and more Weber. Fortunately for them, Weber keeps steadily producing book after book with first printings that sell out almost immediately, then go back into printing after printing after printing.

His novels range from epic fantasy (Oath of Swords, The War God’s Own) to breathtaking space opera (Path of the Fury, The Armageddon Inheritance) to military science fiction with in-depth characterization (the celebrated and awesomely popular Honor Harrington series, Ashes of Victory being the latest installment).

Reviewers call Weber

“highly entertaining,” (Booklist). “

“outstanding . . . superb . . . excellent” (Wilson Library Bulletin),

“remarkable” (Kliatt), “the best” (Dragon),

“worth shouting about” (Philadelphia Weekly Press),

“great” (Locus),

“the best writer around today” (FosFax).

Readers call Weber similar things, but mostly they call the Baen offices several times a week demanding more from their main man. Weber lives in Greenville, SC and, in spite of having gotten married last year, shows no sign of slowing down. . . .