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Hotter Blood: More Tales of Erotic Horror


In Hotter Blood, sex and horror are coupled to an ecstatic effect. This is the second in the provocative anthology series that defined a genre and spanned a generation. Grant Morrison’s Bram Stoker- nominated “The Braille Encyclopedia” spearheads a collection of 24 original stories, with additional contributions from horror stars like Richard Laymon and Nancy Collins, comic book talents Kurt Busiek and John Byrne, and superstar horror director Mick Garris. Explore the dark side of having your lover in “The Tub” with you, find out when “Confession” isn’t good for the soul, and feed your hunger for erotic horror with this delectable collection…

Cemetery Dance called Hotter Blood “outstanding,” Gauntlet labeled it “aggressive and riveting, a virtual Who’s Who of modern horror,” and to 2AM Magazine, it’s “Amazing… highly recommended.”

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