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Itsy Bitsy Spider


With his June 1995 novelette, “Think Like a Dinosaur,” James Patrick Kelly has entered the ranks of Hugo-Award-winning authors. He tells us his newest tale “is one of those stories with a long incubation period. Although it makes no reference to the stories, it is conceptually of a piece with ‘Home Front’ (June 1988) and ‘Pogrom’ (January 1991).” After walking around for two years with the title of the story on a scrap of paper in his wallet, the author “slammed out a first draft in five days while teaching at Clarion in 1996—just to prove to the whippersnappers (and myself) that I could still produce at panic speed.” The final version is about a third again as long and much changed from its original incarnation. Mr. Kelly’s first short story collection, is just out from Golden Gryphon Press.

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