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Storm Front


In 1941, Adolf Hitler didn’t declare war on the United States. Now, in 1985, the Third Reich stretching from the coast of France to the icy wastes of Eastern Russia, appears supremely powerful. With a powerful force of nuclear warheads and the finest military machine on Earth, there is no hope for freedom for the billions who groan under its rule. Adolf Hitler’s mad dreams have come to pass.

And yet, all is not well in the . The cold war with the United States and the North Atlantic Alliance is destroying the economy, while a savage insurgency in South Africa – a war the cannot win and dares not lose – is sapping its military strength. And, while the Council struggles to find a way to save the from its own weaknesses, a young German girl makes a discovery that will shake the to its core.

But the Council will not go quietly into the night…

[Like my other self-published Kindle books, Storm Front is DRM-free. You may reformat it as you choose. There is a large sample of the text – and my other books – on my site: . Try before you buy.]

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