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Up and Coming: Stories by the 2016 Campbell-Eligible Authors

Up and Coming: Stories by the 2016 Campbell-Eligible Authors

Авторы: Roy Lauren M, Peralta Samuel, Chen Curtis C, Вонг Алисса, Олдер Малка, Робсон Келли, Johnston Cameron, Hunt Kurt, Canton Aaron, McBain Alison, Wilgus Alison, Mulder Allison, Phillips Andrea, Rogers Andy, Zumbro Anna, Horne Annalee Flower, Sharp Anthea, Martine Arkady, Habershaw Auston, Powell Bill, Niemeier Brian, Hawksmoor C A, Patel Carrie, Ashley Charlotte, Ovenden Chris, Reher Chris, Cassidy D K, Stout Dan, Smith Daniel Arthur, Davis Daniel J, Fuller David Jón, Boden Derrick, Seiberg Effie, Haber Elad, Wood Eleanor R, Sjunneson-Henry Elsa, Osborne Emma, Reid Ethan, Lee Fonda, Wu Frank, Nikolopoulos George, Fallon Harlow C, Heisey Holly, Schultz Hope Erica, Muneshwar Ian, Sharma Iona, Yap Isabel, Popov Ivan, Yang JY, Marr Jack Hollis, Kress Jamie Gilman, Kimble Jason, LaPier Jason, Goh Jaymee, Kramer-Smyth Jeanne, Xilon Jeff, Szal Jeremy, Zebedee Jo, Ayliff John, Hancock John Gregory, Zeigler Jon F, Edelstein Jonathan, Tomaras Joseph, Rylander KB, May Kim, Wells Kim, Johnson L S, Pearlman Laura, Teffeau Lauren C, Vladimirsky Leo, Smith Lesley, Mitchell Lia Swope, Colter Liz, Bale Lucas, Dunlap Margaret, Philps Mark Robert, Cahill Martin, O'Keefe Megan E, Hicks Michael Patrick, Pierce Monica Enderle, Waldman Nancy SM, Sundar Naru Dames, Theodoridou Natalia, Wilson Nicolas, Barischoff Nicolette, Constantine Nik, Harris Nin, Tyler P K, Gilliam Patricia, Kohler Paul B, Hall Philip Brian, Ferraz Rafaela F, Mehrotra Rati, Rasmussen Rhiannon, Friedman Ron S, Lynn S, Dunstall S K, Divya S B, Fleming Sam, Gailey Sarah, Hazlett Sean Patrick, Bird Sofie, Bolz Stefan, Power Stephen S, Pantazis Steve, Ruskin Steve, Patel Sunil, Shafiq Tahmeed, Vardomskaya Tamara, Waldroon Thomas M, Nikel Wendy, Swardstrom Will, Squirrell William, Claybourne ZZ, Chapman Zach
Жанр: Фантастика
Год: 2016
Язык: Английский
Обьем книги: Полная версия
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This anthology includes 120 authors—who contributed 230 works totaling approximately words of fiction. These pieces all originally appeared in 2014, 2015, or 2016 from writers who are new professionals to the SFF field, and they represent a breathtaking range of work from the next generation of speculative storytelling.

All of these authors are eligible for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer in 2016. We hope you’ll use this anthology as a guide in nominating for that award as well as a way of exploring many vibrant new voices in the genre.

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