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A Dark, Distorted Mirror. Volume 5 : Among the Stars, like Giants. Part 3 : On the Edges of Perception

A Dark, Distorted Mirror. Volume 5 : Among the Stars, like Giants. Part 3 : On the Edges of Perception

Авторы: Уильямс Гэрет Д
Жанр: Фантастика
Серия: A Dark, Distorted Mirror
Год: 2012
Язык: Английский
Обьем книги: Полная версия
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For a year and a half, he has been gone.  Shrouded in mystery and rumour, he has been walking in the shadows at the corner of the mind's eye.  It is time for him to return.  As the Brotherhood Without Banners prepares the next stage of its devastating campaign of terror, as Dexter Smith struggles to investigate what is happening to the telepaths, as G'Kar learns some horrifying secrets, and as Sheridan stares into the abyss of his own soul, Sinoval will reach out his hand and return to the galaxy.  And two steps behind him.... is Sebastian.

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