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Тайна «Libri di Luca»

Биркегор Миккель

Тайна «Libri di Luca»

Биркегор Миккель
Тайна «Libri di Luca»

Владелец букинистической лавки «LIBRI DI LUCA», расположенной в центре Копенгагена, найден мертвым. По закону дело наследует единственный сын Луки Кампелли — преуспевающий адвокат Йон. В подвале лавки он узнает тайну своего отца: Лука Кампелли являлся главой могущественного «Общества книголюбов», члены которого (так называемые «чтецы») с помощью книг могут оказывать на слушателей психологическое влияние, манипулируя сознанием читателя и трансформируя возникающие там образы в фантастические видения и ощущения.

Йон понимает, что смерть его отца не случайна. Он начинает собственное расследование…

Блистательный триллер датского автора Миккеля Биркегора стал национальным бестселлером у себя на родине, получил высшие оценки прессы и читателей. Права на издание романа проданы в 18 стран мира, готовится экранизация.


Нэнс Джон Дж


Нэнс Джон Дж

Over the Atlantic in the dark of night, the electronic brain of Pangia Airlines Flight 10 quietly and without warning disconnects all the cockpit controls and reverses course on its own.

The crew of the huge Airbus 330 at first sense nothing, the flight displays still showing them on course to New York. But with puzzled passengers reporting stars on the wrong side and growing alarm over the sudden failure of all their radios — and when armed fighters pull alongside to force them to land — the confused pilots discover that Flight 10 is streaking back toward the hyper-volatile Middle East and there is nothing they can do about it.

With an alphabet soup of federal agencies struggling for answers and messages flying between Washington, and Tel Aviv where the flight began, the growing supposition that Flight 10 may be hijacked is fueled by the presence of a feared and hated former head of state sitting in first class, a man with an extreme Mid East agenda who may somehow be responsible for the Airbus A-330’s loss of control. As frantic speculation spreads, the possibility that the unresponsive airliner could be the leading edge of a sophisticated attack on Iran designed to provoke a nuclear response drives increasingly desperate decisions.

As time and fuel runs low, flying at full throttle toward a hostile border ahead, Captain Jerry Tollefson and First Officer Dan Horneman have to put their personal animosities aside and risk everything to wrest control from the electronic ghost holding them — and perhaps the world — on a course to certain disaster.

And in the “Hole” — as the war room in Tel Aviv is called — the interim Prime Minister of Israel grapples with a horrifying choice in the balance between 300 airborne lives and the probability of nuclear war.

Zone Zero

Zone Zero

Zone Zero

The threat of nuclear war is imminent… In the afternoon of July 8th the Western powers were due to explode a Hydrogen Bomb in a remote area of Southern Algeria—code named Zone Zero. The zone, of course, had to be evacuated. Fort Ney was the smallest and loneliest Legion outpost in the zone, commanded by a young lieutenant who had stolen fifty thousand francs because of a worthless woman. Here too was the English legionnaire, tortured with the thought that he was a coward; and a little Greek who had within him the spark of greatness. It had always been a peaceful place—until the twelve travellers arrived. Then, with the time for the explosion drawing nearer, the outwitted garrison faced the uttermost limit of horror… Zone Zero is a powerful techno-thriller. Perfect for fans of Joe Buff. John Robb was born as Norman Robson in 1917 in Northumberland, England. Aged nineteen, he became a journalist, working on the Daily Mirror, Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail and Daily Express. After war service in the army and as a correspondent, Robb joined The Star in Sheffield. Writing as John Robb, he became a prominent novelist. His first two novels in 1951 were Space Beam and No Time For Corpses. He went on to write the successful Legion novels, based as they were on his own experiences. One of his best Legion novels, Punitive Action (1953) was filmed by United Artists as Desert Sand in 1955. He would write dozens more books under various pen names. He died on 18th June 1993.

Лестница Аида

Лестница Аида

Лестница Аида

…В итоге Стрелец запустил в ход операцию «Обвал» которую ему помогли спланировать несколько аналитиков, которых в своё время сократили на государевой службе.

И расчёт оказался — точным на сто процентов. Созданные Организацией мифические «народные мстители» стали убивать близких к Кремлю политиков, бизнесменов и высокопоставленных офицеров милиции и спецслужб. Стало понятно, что власть не может справится с безопасностью даже для элиты страны. Под это дело вспыхнули старые обиды как внутри кремля так и в регионах- губернаторы и олигархи тоже создавали свои мифические отряды «мстителей» и стали сводить счёты между собой и надоевшими всем федеральными чиновниками. Если к этому прибавить террористов с Кавказа и «эскадроны смерти» милиции и спецслужб которые тоже действовали- как хотели, то можно легко представить, что тогда творилось. Через восемь месяцев операция «Обвал» завершилась так как и было задумано…

Dangerous Ground

Dangerous Ground

Dangerous Ground

The USS , a dilapidated submarine that that should have been mothballed decades ago, has been given one last mission by the newly elected president. The task: To sneak illegally into Russia’s coastal waters and recon the leaking nuclear fuel containers hidden on the floor of the Arctic Ocean. More than just an environmental nightmare, this radioactive burial ground houses enough nuclear capability to destroy most of America’s major cities.

The ’s commander, Lowell Hardy, had been looking forward to flag rank and pleasant duty upon the sub’s decommissioning. Now he is trapped in an inconceivably dangerous and illegal mission which could easily end his career, if not his life and the lives of his crew. But it’s the crew who feel Hardy’s tension as he tyrannizes everyone on board to ensure they’ll be ready for anything:

Jerry Mitchell: a former naval pilot with political connections, he is a novice submariner, unprepared for his demanding job as a weapons officer. Central to the ’s mission, Mitchell may be its greatest liability… or its ultimate salvation.

Dr. Joanna Patterson: The senior civilian scientist, appointed by and reporting to the president, she is a world-class expert on nuclear fuel contamination—and every bit as demanding as Hardy. Patterson and her partner, Dr. Emily Davis, soon find themselves battling flaring tempers, faulty machinery, lethal radioactivity, and the raging arctic seas.

The submariners: Seething with rage at their Captain Bligh-like commander and the equally domineering Joanna Patterson, they are also at war with Jerry Mitchell, and one another. Like the captain, they feel they deserve better, not this antiquated relic, not this hostile scientist, not this novice weapons officer, and definitely not this disastrously dangerous mission.

Nor is the mission what it seems. Lurking beneath the frigid, black, radioactive waters is a secret far more deadly than anything naval command could imagine—a secret so menacing the Russian Fleet is hell-bent on destroying the and all who sail in her.